I am not a wedding photographer
And I’m not a pioneer of any style: I am just taking the kind of photos I like to take, using the principles of composition embraced by Cartier-Bresson and the documentary photography style forwarded by legendary photographer such as Alex Webb and Martin Parr, and applying them to a wedding.
When I hear ‘pioneer’ it is a very strange thing because what I’m doing is just taking photographs. My work is based on compositional ideas that were introduced in the 1930s and ’40s. Everything that I have done has been done before. I just apply it to a different genre. The way that I shoot people is very much based on street photography. I’m not really pioneering anything, I’ve been called a pioneer loads of times but am just applying styles of photographers who I admire to a situation that happens to be a wedding.
Gary Winogrand, who took so many photos, was asked what happens when he misses a shot, when he’s changing film and this amazing picture appears on the street that he can’t shoot. He was asked, ‘How do you cope?’ And his response was, ‘if I didn’t take the photograph then the photograph never happened.’ And that’s kind of my philosophy.